
Monday, February 18, 2013

Blogger PRIMARY Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tutorial: Part-2(B)

Hi there friends, This Post is the 3rd one about Blogger PRIMARY Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Welcome back here. Just go Throught these tutorials and make your blog or web more visible to the search engines. So lets start  Blogger PRIMARY Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tutorial: Part-2(B)...

If You Missed the Blogger PRIMARY Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tutorial: Part-2(A) just go here:

Subject: Checking Blog's or Website's  Ultimate position with HTML and Meta Tags(Part-B)

*** Here start's after the Last post:



(e) Meta Keywords Tag:

Google support team says that Meta keywords tag don't have so much impact On page Ranking but in the SEO they have a great impact. They help to find out a specific post, the visitor wanted. So Lets add meta keywords tag in your blog.

Structure of Meta Keyword Tags:

<meta NAME='Keywords' content=' Texts '/>

In the red color "Text" use some keywords which is related to your blog posts. 

Example of Meta Keyword Tags:

<meta NAME='Keywords' content=' Antivirus, Blogger, Browser, Plugins, Download, Driver, Freeware software, Internet, Internet Download Manager, Microsoft office 2013 full, Plug-ins, Portable software, Pre-activated, PC Games, AVAST License key, Full version softwares, freeware software, PDF, Ebooks,  Programming Books, SEO Tutorial, Software, Trips and Tricks, Windows Error problem solutions, Youtube etc etc.. '/>

Use comma's for more word and stop words. Don't use these words which are not related to your blog. If you use, visitor's will come and they will not find what they want and for this reason they woudn't come back again to visit here. So use these and only these keywords which are fully related to your blog.

How to add Keyword on Blogger:

i) First of all, Log on to your blogger blog..

ii) Then go to Template>Take an Backup your Present Template>Edit HTML

iii) Now Enter Keyword in this format:

<meta NAME='Keywords' content=' Texts '/>
In the "Texts" area just use these and only these keywords which are fully related to your blog under the "<head>" Option. You can use 25 to 50 words as Meta Keywords Tag.

Just See on this Pic:

iv) And then Save template..

Now you can see this picture:

In this picture you can see that i have 25 keywords or keyphrases to promote my blog. And these keywords bring 100% relevancy for my blog.

(f) Robots Meta Tags and Other Meta Tags:

In this part we will know how to add Robots meta tags which are 100% safe for any blog or website.

How to add Robots Meta Tag on Blogger:

i) First of all, Log on to your blogger blog..

ii) Then go to Template>Take an Backup your Present Template>Edit HTML

iii) Now Copy and Paste this Robots Meta tag just under the "<head>" Option:

<meta content='NOYDIR,NOODP,INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='Komol Nath Roy' name='author'/>

In this code just chane "Komol Nath Roy" and use Your Own Name..

See in the Picture:

Now save template...

Now you can see this picture:

(g) Page Most Relevent Keywords / Keyphrases:

Here you can find these word which are used many more time in your blog and these words are helping you to get visitors in your blog and you can see these words are mostly used on the world of internet. So find out these words which are highly search on the search engines and write your post based on these words..

(h) How your Blog will show in Search Engines:

This option help to get idea about your blog which will be shown in search engine..

It's also responsible and associated with SEO.

(i) Using Heading and Phrase Elements:

You have to use h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, strong, b, em, i, acronym, dfn, abbr and many more tags to submit your site on Google and other search engines...

These tags are also important for Primary blogger SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION(SEO)..

The subjects of Upcoming Parts of SEO tutorial:

** How to add Heading and phrase elements(HTML tags)
** Why need to load blog fast?
** How to make your blog to load so fast and what kind of Templates you need to choose to load       your blog so fast??
** Why should Escape copy paste posts on blog??
** And many more subjects for full SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION(SEO)..

That's all on this post..stay connected with To-Know-More...

This tutorial will be Continuted............................and next parts will be published as soon as possible.

Don't forget to leave a comment below the post..